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Welcome to Original Venda Hustlers
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    1. overall customer satisfaction with our service delivery?
    2. attitude towards customers by our staff?
    3. efficiency when helping you with your problem(s)?
    4. communication over the phone with our staff?
    5. how often do you interact with our company?
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  • Original Venda Hustlers is a fashion lead urban label, born out of the northern part of South Africa,Limpopo. They come from a fashion heritage yet lead a lifestyle that encompasses all that is streets, art, music, fashion, and popular culture.

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Testimonials (4) - What people say about Original Venda Hustlers?
Saint   Nice
Eric Mulovhedzi  Nice going
A. GIFT  Great job guys. Finally got my t/shirt
Carol Nonyane  Love the t-shirts and skirts design. Any summer dresses range coming anytime soon?
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