Construction Management, Conceptual Estimating, Pre-Construction Planning, Scheduling, Value Engineering Studies, On Site Project Management, Cost Control Monitoring, Time Management and Project Finalization.
Reservoirs, Bridges, Foundations, Kerbs, Beams
Other civil services we offer:
- Roads and Storm Water Systems
- Road Marking and Signages
- Speed Humps
- This includes reservoir constructions
- Supply and installation of Steel Tanks/Elevated
Our executive team comprises experienced professionals that have, through-out the years, acquired in-depth construction industry expertise and have several years of experience in diverse industries including the public sectors.
We also offer Project Management solutions such as Construction Management, Conceptual Estimating, Pre-Construction Planning, Scheduling, Value Engineering Studies, On Site Project Management, Cost Control Monitoring, Time Management and Project Finalization.
Accreditation BBEEE Certificate
00 CIDB Grade: 3CE PE, 1GB PE
00 Ceta Accreditaion No: ACC/20/09/00004
00 NHBRC Reg.: 3000252832
00 Coida No: 990001170131